Saturday, October 4, 2014

Best 7 tips For Mobile Photography

Let see the natural beauty through the lance. If you like to capture some beautiful moments, if you like   photography,  the door is open you you. Just zoom out your mind and use your general technique of photo shoot. It is not mandatory to having a digital camera. It is not mandatory to carry a high configuration digital device which can capture a photo. Today we are talking about Mobile Photography. Photography is an art. Let see Best 7 tips For Mobile Photography, Easy tricks of mobile photography, most useful technique of smartphone photography.

1. First of all see the location or surrounding and choose the subject .

2. Learn how to use fundamental basic of your cellphone

3. Properly use mobile camera apps software.

4. Think about position of subject, lights and color.

5. Focus on the object.

6. Illuminate your subject, don't overlook a small things.

7. Play with shades and reflection.

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