Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Parthenon, Athens - Sightseeing Photo & Info 2014

Parthenon is a amazing tourist spot in Greece. Parthenon is a best attraction for visitor over the world. You’ll find a ancient Greek architecture taste to see Parthenon. Parthenon building were built on 430 BC. Formally Parthenon as a temple of Athena the Virgin. Parthenon is a popular monument in Greece. Let see The Parthenon, Athens - Sightseeing Photo & Info 2014, Parthenon Exclusive view 2014, Parthenon tour photo and info, Parthenon travel guide with packages.

The Parthenon was built on the accurate location of a earlier Temple devoted to Athina, this temple was smashed by the Persians when they sacked Athens and the Acropolis for the period of the Greek-Persian battle. If you get chance to visit in Greece don’t miss the opportunity to visit at Parthenon in Athens. In Parthenon you’ll also enjoy the magnificent beauty of Acropolis Museum

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